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Bead Lovers Korner

Bead Lovers Korner: May 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Have you re-charged your crystals?

Quartz Crystal in the Sun

I am absolutely no expert on Rock or Quartz Crystal, but let me tell you what I know from experience....

I had some Quartz Crystals that were laying around, uncared for and forgotten. I found them and cleaned them up with mild soap and water, bringing back the pure clear color. I know that crystal has energy and I wanted to revitalize them, not for any purpose really except just to honor them. Also, I had read somewhere about it being helpful to have one on my desk. So anyway, I called a friend who knows more than me about this stuff and she suggested I put them in the sun for several hours and also over night during the last full moon.

After that I put them on my desk, and I just realized that I have had the most abundance of creativity EVER since I took some time to care for them and charge them up!! I am thanking the crystals for their help and energy!

My stones are sunbathing today!

So, I put them back in the sun today - they are probably drained from all the mental clarity they gave me! I also put the little Lapis Lazuli Pyramid with them for company, and a recharge too!

If you have some crystals that are stored away, take them out and give them some love - they will return it to you with mental clarity, inspiration and energy!

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